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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good News: Donations

I just received a note from Christina, who helps us with Katie's endowment at the Seattle Children's Hospital Foundation. Due to the generosity of family and friends, we have a new total in the principal of the Katie Gerstenberger Endowment for Cancer Research.

Christina wrote, "I thought you would like to know that the current fair market value of Katie’s endowment is $98,846, thanks to recent contributions from your family and friends. We are hoping that the stock market will continue to recover and to add value to all endowments at Children’s!"

Thank you for your generosity. Together, we can help to fulfill Katie's wish (and ours) to move cancer research forward (and the hope for better treatments and a cure). God bless you!


  1. Wow! I'm proud to be a tiny part of this extraordinary organization for a beautiful girl and others like her.

  2. That is wonderful news :)

  3. Oh my God Karen that is remarkable. What could you expect from an angel.


  4. Such great news!! In the days where we only get bad news, this is just delightful!

  5. absolutely amazing to raise that amount of money.
    I am sure it will help so many.
    well done Katie.

  6. amazing to see that money multiply so that it can benefit others. a beautiful legacy from your precious girl's life.

  7. That's amazing ... just like Katie, and you. Continued success, always, as you find your way through by reaching out to others. Your heart is huge.

  8. That is BEAUTIFUL news! What a wonderful way to pay it forward.... I know Katie is smiling... :)
